Buenos Aires News


Poverty and Destitution Rates Fall in Buenos Aires According to New Study

Poverty and Destitution Rates Fall in Buenos Aires

Thursday August 24, 2017

Poverty and Destitution Rates Fall in Buenos Aires 

In a new study of the the Buenos Aires Statistics Agency, poverty and destitution rates have fallen since last quarter and in comparison to the same quarter in 2016.

According to the study, in the first quarter of 2017, over 10 percent of households in the city did not make enough money to afford a Basic Basket of Goods, or the goods and services considered basic and necessary to acquire to avoid living in poverty. A Basic Basket of Goods for a family of four cost AR$ 14,600 as of March of this year, representing a 3.3 percent drop in relation to the last quarter of 2016, and a 2.1 percent drop compared to the same quarter of 2016. (more…)

Tourism Argentina Continues Rapid Growth

Tourism Argentina Continues Rapid Growth

Thursday August 24, 2017

Tourism Argentina Continues Rapid Growth

The arrival of foreign tourists to Argentina increased by 4.9% in June of 2017 compared to the same time last year. A whopping 163,200 people entered the country to enjoy vacations in all regions, with Buenos Aires topping the list of favorite destinations.

The records published in the INDEC International Tourism Survey (ETI), prepared jointly with the Ministry of Tourism (Mintur), calculate the movement registered in that month in the international airports of Ezeiza and Jorge Newbery Airport.

Famed Buenos Aires Japanese Garden to Celebrate Anniversary

Famed Buenos Aires Japanese Garden Celebrated Anniversary

Thursday June 08, 2017

Famed Buenos Aires Japanese Garden Celebrated Anniversary

Buenos Aires´ famed Japanese Garden celebrated its 50th anniversary last Sunday. To commemorate this major milestone, entrance to the park was free all day.

The Japanese Garden was originally created in 1967 to welcome the prince and princess of Japanese for their inaugural visit to Argentina. Additionally, its creation was a gesture of goodwill to the Argentine public for their warm reception of immigrants from Japan at this time.

Since 1989, the Argentine-Japanese Cultural Foundation has managed the site, working to display the unique cultural heritage of the Japanese in Buenos Aires. (more…)

Changes to Argentinian Currency Set for October

Changes Argentinian Currency Set for October

Thursday May 25, 2017

Changes Argentinian Currency Set for October

Changes to the Argentinian currency are set for this upcoming October. The most notable of these changes is that the largest denomination of a bill will raise from 500 pesos to 1,000 pesos.

The 1,000 peso bill will contain a design of the horneo bird, Argentina´s national emblem. The decision to include the horneo bird on the note is part of a greater effort by the Macri administration to depoliticize all bank notes by replacing images of political leaders with images of different animals native to Argentina on the bills.

This change will also be reflected in the new 20 peso bill, which will now include a guanaco. (more…)

New Art Shows Come to Buenos Aires

New Art Shows Come to Buenos Aires

Thursday May 25, 2017

New Art Shows Come to Buenos Aires

New art shows are coming to Buenos Aires this month. Two of these upcoming art shows are El presente está encantador and How to Entangle the World in a Spiderweb, both at the Museum of Modern Art.

El presente está encantador is a curation of art from the MOMA´s different permanant collections, including some from the Picasso exhibit put together by the artist, Diego Bianchi.

In this exhibit, Bianchi tried to blend his work with the work of other artists to make it almost difficult to tell the different artists apart. One can find Bianchi´s signature works made from recycled and waste materials incorpated into the work of some his predecessor´s. (more…)

Renowned Critic Presents List Best Argentine Wines

Renowned Critic Presents List Best Argentine Wines

Tuesday May 16, 2017

Renowned Critic Presents List Best Argentine Wines

Renowned British wine critic, Tim Atkin, has recently presented a list of the best wines in Argentina. Atkin is widely regarded as one of the world´s foremost experts in wine, as a recipient of the prestigious Master of Wine title from the Institute of Masters of Wine.

Because of his reputation, the group Wines of Argentine invited him out to Argentina to come up with a list of the top 100 wines produced in the country.

To compile this list, Atkin journeyed throughout Argentine´s wine country a few months back. As a result of these travels, Atkins was able to note several key trends in Argentina´s wine. (more…)

Buenos Aires´ Famous Book Fair Returns

Buenos Aires´ Famous Book Fair Returns

Tuesday May 09, 2017

Buenos Aires´ Famous Book Fair Returns

Buenos Aires´ famous book fair has returned to the city. The book fair, or Feria del Libro 2017, is an annual event that normally draws famous international authors and includes a myriad of different activities promoting cultural exchange in the literary arts.

This year´s lineup of renowned authors is no exception. Authors expected to attend the event include Carlos Ruiz Zafón, John Katzenbach, Arturo Pérez-Reverte, to name a few.

This event also always includes an award for a city that promotes cultural diversity in the literary arts. (more…)

New Buenos Aires Brewery Combines Rock Climbing with Beer

New Buenos Aires Brewery Combines Rock Climbing with Beer

Wednesday May 03, 2017

New Buenos Aires Brewery Combines Rock Climbing with Beer

A new Buenos Aires brewery is now combining rock climbing with beer. The brewery, called ”Patio Cervecero del Capitan Torque” or in English: ”Captain Torque’s Beer Garden”, was recently opened at the already existing Realization Climbing Gym.

The brewery has a modern and cozy interior and is frequently visited by people that enjoy climbing and love drinking beer. Craft beer by the liter, to be precise. They also sell their own microbrew, which is of great quality and has a value of only 100 pesos a liter.

Apart from beer, this spot also serves delicious pizzas. (more…)

New Displays Celebrate Argentine Art Greats

New Displays Celebrate Argentine Art Greats

Wednesday May 03, 2017

New Displays Celebrate Argentine Art Greats

New displays at different museums across the city of Buenos Aires have opened to celebrate Argentina´s greatest artists.

It´s no secret that Buenos Aires is a city that many great artists have called home. However, the exhibits at the respective museums will focus specifically on the artists Antonio Berni, Xul Solar, and Jorge Luis Borges.

The exhibit that features the work of Antonio Berni can be found at the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires. This exhibit is a part of the museum´s 60th Anniversary Celebration and features 222 of his drawings. (more…)